Thursday, October 10, 2019

3 Most Precious Gemstones One Should Explore

A precious gemstone is a term that is usually used to refer to those gemstones which are highly valuable and are loved for their hardness and rarity. It was the division of the gemstones in the categories – precious and semi-precious which has led many people to perceive that precious stone is more precious and valuable than the other stones. It is also a common belief that precious gemstones are generally expensive in comparison to semi-precious gemstones. However, despite the division, people still undergo a lot of confusion in identifying the precious and semi-precious stones from each other. If you are planning to buy some precious gemstone beads and want to know the topmost precious stones for the same, then we have not only formed a list of the most precious gemstones for you but have also shortlisted the best source for you to buy them!

1. Diamond

Originating from the strong covalent bonds between its atoms, diamond is quite popular for its superlative physical qualities. Usually, diamonds have ages that go as long as 1 billion to even 3.5 billion years. Also, diamond is a gemstone that is credited for having the highest thermal conductivity and hardness than any bulk material. Mostly diamonds are formed quite deep in the earth and its depth usually ranges from 150 km to 250 km in the Earth’s mantle. Some diamond’s depth even goes as much as 800 km. However, many people believe that a diamond is an unbreakable stone but it is not true. Though having the highest hardness but due to its structure of both hard and soft surfaces, one blow with the right force in the exact direction can shatter your beloved diamond. Today, diamond is considered as a gift of love by many. It is considered to be a valuable commodity that has increased its popularity.

2. Ruby 

One of the hardest minerals found on Earth, Ruby in red variety belongs to the mineral corundum which is a form of alumina that further crystallizes in the system of a hexagon. It is only the red color corundum that has the power to be called Ruby, and the rest of the colors are classified as Sapphires. The red color of the Ruby stone is a result of a small admixture of chromic oxide. It is from this color the quality of a ruby is determined. The quality factors and carat weight ultimately decide its value. The most prized aspect of a Ruby is its blood-red or crimson color which is even known as ‘pigeon’s blood’ red in trade. The ruby which is of the shade- blood-red or pigeon blood usually holds a lot of preference and premium over the other rubies.

3. Emerald

Considered as one of the most fascinating and beautiful precious gemstones, Emerald gemstone belongs to the variety of the mineral Beryl colored green by the trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium. The most desirable and preferred color in Emerald is slightly bluish-green color in a medium-dark tone with strong to vivid saturation. Though clarity is valued, inclusions in this gemstone are more easily tolerated in comparison to other gemstones. A pure, top quality unenhanced stones can rapidly increase the price of the stone to even 50%.

Precious gemstones are highly valuable and hence you must be careful while purchasing them. For the best quality and a good experience, you must buy your precious gemstone beads from Ratna Sagar Jewels.