Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Crystal: The Miraculous Healing Stone

Scientists might have shattered an age-old belief regarding crystals in the New Age Movement that crystals can raise personal energy levels and heighten the spirit of a person. On the contrary, it is often claimed that crystals can alleviate stress, cure diseases, boost creative and even enhance psychic powers. In fact, truly speaking, Crystal Gemstone has some amazing powers in the context of healing. Regardless of studies and scientific evidences, it has been greatly seen that crystals have amazing effects on our health, both physical and mental.
The constant electric vibrations of the stones help in balancing, harmonizing and regulating the flow of energies. Crystals work excellent in the overall healing process, and they are available in innumerable varieties. The ideal of a stone healing a human being might seem ridiculous to anyone who has not experienced the amazing wonders of the same. 

 Radiating Pure Patterns:
It should not come as a surprise to know that gemstones of crystal radiate pure patterns.
•    They are known to resonate with unmatched energy
•    They can maintain balance, structure, frequency and wavelength thereby bringing you back to harmony
•    It often takes the form of subatomic particles when it cooperates to produce atoms, minerals and molecules.
However, it is important to note that not all crystals work for everyone. You will have to select the right crystal suitable for your body and mind so that it works wonders. Different crystals are thought to possess different kinds of energy and thereby produce different effects.
Some of the common impacts include:
•    Increased level of concentration
•    Balanced emotion
•    Increased energy levels
•    Rise in hand temperature
•    Stimulation of the brain and relaxation of the forehead
•    Improved sense of well-being
•    Increased swallowing reflex and
•    Activation of all the levels of sensations
•    Healing broken hearts
•    It can even help in effective communication
A clearer crystal feels positive and bright, cold and tingly to the touch. Often, a crystal might need to be cleared before using. 

 The Healing Options:
There are many different approaches for the use of Crystal Beads in the context of healing. These are available in different colors and different colors have different impacts on healing.
•    Colored crystals have the ability to alter certain emotions
•    The colors of crystals are associated with different chakras of the body. A chakra is an energy center. Each chakra has an associated color and can affect different areas of the body.
•    It does not let in negative energy reach the wearer of the crystal.
•    They can be used to locate blockages and cleanse and heal them
•    It can be used in massage healing. This in turn helps in releasing tension
•    Some crystals are also useful in reflexology, which if held at some pressure points can heal ailments in particular areas of the body.
•    The versatility and multiplicity of these crystals makes it an essential element to use.
Therefore, it is a great idea to make use of crystals for different purposes in order to reap the wonderful effects of the stone, as a whole.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Improve your relationships with Blue Topaz

Blue topaz gemstone represents the blue colour of the sky which symbolizes the relationship of almighty with his folks. It is used efficiently in dealing with problem related to broken relationships with spouse, family or friends. It is advised to wear the stone in use with any part of your body for better results. The blue topaz beads helps in maintaining a balance of life and distinguishing between the positive and negative aspects of life.
Birthstone importance:
Blue topaz is the birthstone of the month of December. The true meaning of the gem represents love, understanding and loyalty. It holds a major significant in the life of true lovers and loyal mates. It maintains harmony and synchronization in your life. It is best to be worn in the form of a ring or pendant for regular use. 

Varieties of the stone:
The real meaning of blue topaz lies in healing love and relationships. There are several kinds of blue topaz available which is found in blue colour. Blue topaz has numerous variations. All the colours of blue topaz are considered as topaz. It has several other names like Sky blue topaz, Swiss blue topaz and London blue topaz. Sky blue topaz is of sky colour and London blue topaz is of darkest blue colour. The Swiss colour of topaz is generally preferred among stone lovers as it is bright in colour ad looks very elegant and graceful.
Uses of the gemstone:
It is normally considered great in mending broken relationships with lovers and family. It maintains balance in life. It is also considered excellent in healing your health if affected by any disease. It also helps to develop the area of digestion and struggle against problems like anorexia. It treats people with trouble of taste, sore throat and headache. It is very helpful when people fall prey of nervousness during stage performances or dealing with their seniors. It helps to make you calm and comfortable.
Significance of blue topaz:
Blue topaz gemstone beads highlights the ability of your communication and be expressive. It articulates your capacity to speak and write well, fight with difficulties in public speaking, enhance concentration and thinking levels. It also makes you realise your goals and employment that is best suited for you. It assists you in making better decisions and achieving bigger goals in a specified time. It makes you clear your wishes and be more expressive to your family and friends. It also makes you communicate with clarity and transparency in which the other people can clearly understand you. 

The blue topaz is a gemstone that is used mainly as a form of jewelleries either as a ring or a pendant or necklace. They are very bright and attractive to look at. They are available at many places like India, Pakistan Sri Lanka, South Africa, Japan, Australia, Mexico and USA. It is a very beautiful gemstone that is rare and precious. Although they are available on online sites yet it is advisable to get them from professional jewelleries for authenticity.