Thursday, September 24, 2015

Fluorite Gemstone - Bring in Life the Stone of Healing & Spiritual Energy

The name fluorite is obtained from a Latin word ‘fluo’ means of flow water. Fluorite Gemstone is a stabilizing and highly protective stone used for harmonizing and grounding spiritual energy. It enhances intuitive abilities, develops connection to the Spirit. Fluorite enhances mental abilities, and brings stability and clarity in a chaotic situation. Psychic manipulation is shielded to the user of this stone. It has a great ability to absorb negative energies.
The sources of the stone include Canada, U.S.A, South Africa, Mexico, Germany, England, China and Poland are the biggest producers of this precious stone. The different colors of this gemstone are purple, blue, green, yellow, or colorless. Less common ones are black, pink, brown red and white. The colors depend upon the nature of impurities in the stone.

Types of Fluorite Gemstone: 
  • Yellow Fluorite increases mental powers and enhances intellect.
  • Rainbow Fluorite is a combination of different health benefits.
  • Green fluorite helps in accessing to intuition, absorbs excess energy.
  • Purple Fluorite enhances some common sense to psychic intuitions.
  • Blue Fluorite enhances orderly creative thought. It emits a calm energy.
 Healthy Benefits:
•    Healers use it to cure with ulcers and with respiratory tract.
•    It improves joint ailments bones and other arthritic conditions.
•    It is used to increase the mental functions and strengthen teeth and allied problems.
•    The blood vessels are protected from cholesterol deposition and fat accumulation.
•    It eliminates the problems caused by arthritis and osteoporosis.
•    Fluorite helps with infections and asthma.
•    It is believed to be a good cure for senility.
•    It promotes harmony and inner stability.
•    A powerful remover of stress and negative energy
It successfully fights cellular dysfunction in the early stages. This stone is a great cure for blood pressure, dizziness vertigo cough, throat cancer, food intolerance, antiviral fever, RNA/DNA issues, flu, and colds thus strengthen the body.
Mental Benefits:       
Fluorite beads increases concentration and removes illusion to see to the truth. It helps in attaining inner peace balancing the negative and positive aspects of the mind. It is a powerful protector and healer and organizes the physical mental and emotional bodies and energy. It helps the clarity of the mind and balances the two hemispheres of the brain. An effective brain stone, it is excellent for students, accountants and researchers who have to develop new methods and ideas. It is a great stone for relieving anxiety, tension. It helps reduce mental blocks and ease depression and anger. It reduces learning disorders and enhances the power of memory.

Amazing Power of the Stone:
It is believed that if kept at the work place or study it enhances quick thinking. Accountants are able to accurately do the calculations Researchers are in a position to think positively and develop new ideas. It is a powerful healer and is associated with grounding and intuition. It helps to remain unbiased in decision making.
This precious gemstone can be adorned as necklace amulets, rings, earrings and can be kept as a stone at your workplace or in your desk. This gemstone is associated with Capricorn and Pisces.